Monday 16 August 2010

God's Inspiration, for All Men

Just feel like writing this.

The eminent Indonesian Muslim scholar of the 20th century, Prof. Dr. Hamka wrote a beautiful line short, one-page chapter in his book, 'Kenang-kenangan Hidup', titled 'Ilham' (Inspiration), and it is summed up in these words, "Allah gives inspiration to his greatest creation, Man, and we should take the time to appreciate this beauty."

I like this statement. The beauty that Man produces with his hand should be appreciated by all. It is no sin to appreciate the poetry of Omar Khayyam or Milton, the music of Beethoven and Mozart, the paintings of Leonardo and the medieval Oriental Arts. Even the nude sculptures of Michelangelo's hand are works of art and beauty, and should be approached as such.

The words of the philosophers and prophets, from Moses, Sakuntala, Confucius and the Hundred Flowers, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus, Muhammad, Augustus, Averroes, Ghazzali, Aquinas, Dante, Locke, Rousseau, Hamzah Fansuri, Voltaire, Tolstoy, Mills, Bertrand Russell...they are men of great minds, producing works emanating from their minds, inspired by something more than themselves--an inspiration given by God Himself.

There should be no question of condemning this or that work, just because the hands and minds that produce them do not share our beliefs and religions. For we cannot compare their minds to ours. It would be an insult.

So let us enjoy the works that they produce. And enjoy the fruits of God's Inspiration. God does not choose whom He wants to bless with Beauty. Why should we?

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